Sunday, July 18, 2010

Holy Crud

I have a beer gut and I don't even drink beer ! Remember when you could eat ANYTHING and it didn't matter?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Finally Big Manly Snow

It's about time. Real Snow. Big Snow. Manly snow is measured in it should be. The kind of snow that tires you out getting to the mailbox-if you can find it. Waste high drifts.Snow that my sons and I can traverse across our slab of land of land in manly snow shoes like rugged explorers. Then drink hot rugged beverages together and plan our next adventure-like climbing up a snow covered fort or walking to the culdesac.

Finally a reason to actually cancel school. Enough snow to actually close roads. ski snow, board snow. Snow man snow. Fort snow. Igloo snow. Snowball snow. Sculpture snow. "I can't find the dog" snow. The kind of snow I'll spend hours photographing in every light and then find the photos a year later- "hey these came out awesome!"

The kind of snow that makes me glad I didn't take that job in Florida. No snow. No winter. Winter should have a certain amount of manly mountains of frozen stuff packed high along the yards and roads. Snow is beautiful to look at-and to think billions on this planet have never seen it...or shoveled it. Snow rocks. Not snow with rocks in it.

Big Bad X-games snow. Glad my neighbor has a Big bad snowblower snow. Finally snow that shuts down work and school- so everybody can sleep in. For a while, I forgot what sleeping in was like. Snow is a helper. Snow slows things down. Snow cleans things up just long enough to appreciate them. Snow makes me glad I have a fireplace.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Just Observing

Red hot sunlight reflected through the greenish glass of a tossed aside beer bottle, the sound of a desperate fly buzzing against a dusty screen, the smell of last night's ashes, ordinary things. Morning things.
A table next to a cracked wall, the sound of a white telephone, the crumpled sheets of a bed, morning things. Ordinary things.
The high sound of a sparrow, the noon sun on a marble windowsill, the low hum of a radio, afternoon things.
The cool breeze, a sigh- a feeling of happiness. Another day completed. A Greatness.

(first published May 1978)